Gokshura Forte (30)
Product Details
Synergized Gokhshuru Forte is a unique formulation containing standardized saponins-rich extracts of Tribulus terrestris( fruits ) balanced with the extracts of Shatavari. Tribulus has traditionally been used to increase libido, virility, fertility, stamina, general well-being and act as mood enhancer. It may help to stimulate sexual prowess by relaxing smooth muscles, dilating blood vessels and slightly elevating testosterone levels. Synergized Gokhshru Forte is also a unique health supplement for Kidney and Urinary Tract problems. It may help decrease kidney functional disturbance, oxidative stress and cellular damages. Tribulus was also found to improve the sexual health of women, elevate sex hormone profile (increases in estradiol levels), mood & ovulation effects and reduce menopausal symptoms. It may provide pleasure, bolsters self-esteem and allows one to foster intimacy by improving sexual health. European athletes have used Tribulus extracts as a natural aid to enhance strength and stamina. Tribulus (Gokhshuru) is an anabolic herb; saponins of Tribulus may mimic or be converted in the body into anabolic steroids, used mainly by bodybuilding and weightlifting communities. Gokhshuru along with Shatavari- boosts immunity, improves sexual and physical health. In Ayurveda, Tribulus and Shatavari are highly recommended for improving the health of the urinary tract*.
Promotes Sexual Health and Stamina. Relieves Urinary Disorder. Improves Kidney function and helpful in kidney stones. Herbs For Kidney Detox Improves sexual Health: Helps to elevate sex hormone profile (increases estradiol levels), mood and ovulation effects. It helps to reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, low mood, vaginal dryness and irritability. May also help with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) a hormonal disorder. Boost libido in men and women. Helps in improving exercise performance, recovery and increase muscle mass. Helps in renal and prostate glands comfort.