Shatavari Forte (30)

If you are stressed, lacking sexual desire due to waning hormones, thinking about becoming pregnant make Synergized Shatavari Forte your herbal supplement. Shatavari, the main ingredient of Synergized Shatavari Forte, increases Sattwa or positivity and healing power. It also enhances the feeling of spiritual love and increases Ojas- the master coordinator between body and consciousness. It helps the mind and body adapt better to stress, build general immunity, control acid..


Product Details

If you are stressed, lacking sexual desire due to waning hormones, thinking about becoming pregnant make Synergized Shatavari Forte your herbal supplement. Shatavari, the main ingredient of Synergized Shatavari Forte, increases Sattwa or positivity and healing power. It also enhances the feeling of spiritual love and increases Ojas- the master coordinator between body and consciousness. It helps the mind and body adapt better to stress, build general immunity, control acidity, helps in heal duodenal, peptic ulcers and stomach troubles. It may also be helpful for PMS-related water retention. In addition, asparagus racemosus causes an inhibitory effect on the release of gastric hydrochloric acid and protects gastric mucosal damage. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a powerful Rasayan for women- it acts as an overall tonic for greater vitality, rejuvenation and longevity. In Ayurveda, it is categorized as Rasayan, Vayasthapnana, stanya, balya and medhya. It has been prized in Ayurveda as "Queen of all Herbs" for female reproductive and sexual health as it significantly improves the quality and quantity of reproductive fluids (Shukra dhatu). It is also used to nurture mother milk during lactation. Shatavari supports all the metabolic processes (Agnis) to create good quality in all seven categories of bodily tissues (Dhatus); thus having a precious and sought after Vayasthpna effect (helps retard the aging process). It balances all the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) especially Pitta and Vata. In Ayurveda, it is also considered medhya rasayan, an herb that enhances all three aspects of intellect (Dhi-comprehension, Dhriti-memory, Smriti-recollection).


It has a serious knack for boosting libido, regulating hormones and managing stress. Manage Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): The vata and pita balancing properties of Shatavari helps to reduce the symptoms of PMS as the herb acts as a hormonal harmonizer. Ayurvedic herbs for women's health Shatavari may improve female reproductive health complications including hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), follicular growth and development, oocyte quality and infertility possibly by reducing oxidative stress level and increasing antioxidants level in the body. Effectively helps in gastrointestinal problems. Acts as an Immunomodulator